Monday, March 30, 2020

How Can I Find English Tutoring Online Jobs With Degree?

How Can I Find English Tutoring Online Jobs With Degree?Are you interested in finding English tutoring online jobs with a degree? There are many people who are interested in learning English because it is a common language around the world.When you travel to other countries, English is usually one of the first languages that you hear. If you don't know the language, the chance of getting yourself into trouble is very high. If you want to learn a language you will need to make sure that you can communicate with other people.If you think that learning English is difficult, then think again. You can become fluent in English if you work at it. If you want to learn how to communicate in another language, online tutoring is the way to go.People get an education degrees in the hopes of getting a job that can help them with their personal lives. They have to figure out what they want to do with their life and whether or not they want to leave their current job and start their own business. P eople also want to be able to speak a language fluently. When you have a degree, then you are more likely to get hired for a better job and to get a raise if you are still employed.English tutoring can also give you the opportunity to travel. It is a way for you to be able to know more about the world. You can teach someone else how to communicate with the people in that country.You will find many different companies that will hire you for this job. They are looking for people who have experience with teaching English as a second language.If you are an English teacher, you are going to get a lot of students and will have to fill out applications. After you apply, you will be expected to fill out some forms. You may need to provide some medical information and transcripts of your work if you are teaching classes at a community college.If you want to get a job teaching English as a second language, then you need to take some time to learn about the different ways that you can do this. You may want to try several different methods before you decide which one works best for you.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Andy from italki takes the October Challenge!

Andy from italki takes the October Challenge! So at italki, we dont just talk the talk but we walk the walk. Meet Andy from Italy, hes only been at italki for about 2 weeks as our new UX Designer (User Experience for those of you who arent in tech industry). When he found out that we were having the October Language Challenge, he found this was the perfect opportunity to improve his Chinese as hes been living in Shanghai for almost 3 years and his Chinese is well you should just watch the below Public Video Pledge for yourself. Remember, theres still time to sign up for the October Language Challenge! And if youve already signed up make a true commitment (like Andy) by submitting a Public Video Pledge. Andy from italki takes the October Challenge! So at italki, we dont just talk the talk but we walk the walk. Meet Andy from Italy, hes only been at italki for about 2 weeks as our new UX Designer (User Experience for those of you who arent in tech industry). When he found out that we were having the October Language Challenge, he found this was the perfect opportunity to improve his Chinese as hes been living in Shanghai for almost 3 years and his Chinese is well you should just watch the below Public Video Pledge for yourself. Remember, theres still time to sign up for the October Language Challenge! And if youve already signed up make a true commitment (like Andy) by submitting a Public Video Pledge.

Finding a Private Tutor to Learn Spanish

Finding a Private Tutor to Learn Spanish Perhaps will be going on a summer vacation to Yucatan, Cabo or Acapulco and want to show your girl friend you Spanish language skills. Or perhaps you are a business person think of hiring Latino staff and will find Spanish skills useful. No matter what your reasons are knowing Spanish is a skill that is useful in many of lifes situations. May be you intent to outsource a part of your operation to Mexico, Panama or Costa Rica? When you travel there you know knowledge of Spanish will come in handy for your job. Did you know 45 millions live in the U.S. who speak Spanish as a first or second language? Given these numbers does anyone wonder why Spanish is the most requested foreign language at In our previous article on Breakdown for Tutoring Subjects: Math, English, Science, Languages, Test Prep, Business and Music we published that 3.5% of all requests for tutoring pertain the Spanish language. Request for Spanish even surpass the ones for English or ESL (English as a Second Language) which amount to 1.8%. The other important languages, French, German, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese or Mandarin are not nearly as often requested as Spanish. How can you find a Spanish tutor, one that knows the language and culture well, is safe and is qualified to teach?. At this is very easy. Simply goto, type Spanish into the subject box and your zip code into the location box. You find dozens if not hundred of Spanish tutors in your home area. Browse through the list of Spanish tutors, screen their profiles and for the ones you find best send them a message. You might want to know more details about their background, their hourly rate or whether they are available at all. There are many great native Spanish tutors on For example Brittany B. who studied Spanish abroad in Granada, Spain in Spring, 2009. She lived for four months with a Spanish family and knows the Andalusian culture well. Another good example is Carlos O. who lives in Los Angeles and specializes in math and Spanish. And then there is Aj Corrales who knows English and Spanish equally well and has been teaching at the Miami-Dade Community College. In summary, knowing Spanish is a type of social capital useful for may of lifes situations. At you find a great abundance of tutors who specialize in helping you to achieve your language goal!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Finding an English Tutor Needed in Hong Kong

Finding an English Tutor Needed in Hong KongThere are several ways to find an English tutor needed in Hong Kong. There are online resources for finding a private tutor who can help you to learn the language quickly and efficiently, but there are also other resources such as friend's homepages who can offer you the assistance of an individual who knows English well.When searching for a tutor in Hong Kong, you need to be able to meet some basic requirements. You must have an established contact or at least some kind of personal interest in the subject that you would like to learn the language. A language course is a major investment for most people, so they are often interested in making sure that their language skills are being maintained while getting better.In addition to meeting the basic qualifications for the tutor, you will want to keep in mind that there are many jobs and positions out there for qualified individuals who also know English. There are many companies that are hiri ng qualified English teachers for those who are looking to start a career in the field.The first step in finding a tutor is to determine the student needs and the teaching methods that will fit his or her needs. Many times this can be very different from that of a teacher that has an academic background. If you are looking for a student with some experience, you will want to see if there are schools or even websites that do things such as Teach English in Hong Kong that offer training courses for certain areas of the world.Some people are interested in the more modern approach in learning the language such as online courses and CDs and DVDs. In fact, you can even find some that teach English online. There are also audio and video programs such as those found on video stores or downloaded for personal use.However, even if you do not have a teaching background, you can find someone who is willing to teach you the language. You may be one of those who just want to improve their skills and become proficient with the language before pursuing a full-time career.The important thing to remember is that even if you do not meet the basic qualification for the tutor, you can still find a job or get one that you will love. It is up to you whether you wish to pursue a career in teaching English in Hong Kong, or get more experience before you decide on the next step.

My Private Tutor Full Movie Online

My Private Tutor Full Movie OnlineAre you looking for a way to learn Spanish at home on your own, but you can't afford the tuition fees? Well, have no fear, because with the growing popularity of learning Spanish on the Internet, you now have more opportunities than ever to view your own private tutor, in a short amount of time. Although it may not always be the best way to learn Spanish, it is something that many people have opted to do for one reason or another. Learning Spanish by yourself can actually be quite a lot more enjoyable than trying to learn a new language at home, where everyone can watch your every move, making it difficult to focus on the correct words and pronunciation.So how do you go about finding a private tutor to help you learn Spanish, rather than relying on an in-class teacher? First of all, it is best to look for a reputable website that has a large user base of people that are likely to pay for what they have learned. Websites such as this are the easiest w ay to go about finding a private tutor.When you sign up for a free membership to any of these websites, you will receive a report that will list the professional credentials of the professional who is teaching your private tutor and of course the duration of the course and the fees they charge. It is a good idea to visit these websites at least once a week and check them out so that you can be sure that the course that you are about to take is actually for you and not a scam.If you do find someone who is willing to teach you a private tutor, the first thing that you should do is to send him or her an email and invite them over to meet you. You can also call them up and give them a call if you prefer. You can have the meeting in person if you feel more comfortable, or have it in the comfort of your own home.Once you get over the initial shock of meeting the private tutor, you can start the lesson. Make sure that you remember to keep your questions simple and direct. By doing this, yo u will be able to quickly answer all of the questions that are put to you.Many people have found that they learn faster when they find a private tutor who teaches from a script rather than from classroom settings. This is usually because this way, they can skip some of the explanations and have more control over what they want to hear.As you can see, getting a private tutor for your personal use at home is a very real possibility. All you need to do is make sure that you find a reputable one, get over your initial reluctance to face someone you don't know, and start learning to speak Spanish today!

How to Tone your Thighs With a Personal Trainer

How to Tone your Thighs With a Personal Trainer How Personal Training Can Help Tone Strengthen your Leg Muscles ChaptersSafety First, Last and Always in Sports ConditioningHow to Prepare Your Thighs for Their WorkoutExercise Programs Exclusively for ThighsWorking Your Thighs in a Fitness Center or the GymWhether your goal is weight loss or moving with more confidence; whether you want to carve out definition of your thigh muscles: working your legs is the best way to get there.Toned, healthy thighs are those with fewer fatty deposits, and good blood flow.Targeted leg muscle workouts not only combat unsightly cellulite, but can also work to prevent cardiovascular disease.To define and shape your thighs, a customised fitness program would prove much more effective than working out at home, with no particular guidance or fitness education.Many believe a personal fitness trainer is out of their reach, and even gym fees are too high.For your overall health and fitness, you must exercise your whole body: from your deltoids to your calves, through your abs and dorsals.The trick to home workouts is no t just to find motivation, but staying motivated.Let Superprof step in as your home fitness trainer. Coaching you online, our energising fitness professionals will equip you with the best moves to shape and bulk up your thighs.breathing is regulated and smooth.You might find that many in the fitness industry advocate for yoga as a way to a healthier lifestyle.The purpose of this move is to open your body â€" stretch it thoroughly, not to strain it.Your fitness instructor will be sure to advise not to reach too far or arch your back too deeply for fear of causing injury.In fact, stretching is one of the best ways to maintain strong quadriceps â€" the muscles at the front of your thigh.Here again, aerobics comes in handy: lunges are some of the best moves to work those muscles.  Lunges are good for your hamstrings, too. You can do lunges with dumbbells, to put more stress on your hip flexors.Another great hip flexor workout:kneel as though you were about to be knightedthe free knee sh ould be in line with the foot below itlean your whole body forward, feeling the pull on the back leg's thigh muscleswitch legs and repeat, 10 times per leg.The moves listed above are but a few of the exercises available to warm and work your leg muscles.A certified personal trainer would demonstrate and help you work through an entire fitness routine, including specific resistance training to define leg muscles.Discover how to develop your back muscles.With this move, the focus is on the back leg Source: Pixabay Credit: KilkxExercise Programs Exclusively for ThighsNow that your muscles are supple, your heart is conditioned and your blood is pumping, let's get down to working those thighs!This exercise prescription can be done in-home, by yourself or with mates, every other day for one hour, or every day for thirty minutes.The deep lunge will cause a pleasant burn in your thighs because that muscle group alone is targeted during this exercise.To execute it properly, step forward with one foot, and lower the back knee almost to the ground.Rise up and repeat, this time putting the load on the other leg.You should inhale on the step and exhale on the raise.Remember: your knees are not the focus of this move, although they will be working. Be sure that the lunge is deep enough that you feel it in your quads, not in your joints.A fitness professional would advise no more than ten repetitions for beginners. As your physical development progresses, you can add more reps.Professional athletes bust out more than 200 of these intensive leg moves without breaking a sweat!Would you see that as a personal fitness goal?Jogging and RunningDo you envy the children who squander their energy, running around the neighbourhood as though they would have that capability for all of their lives?You can rediscover it in yourself, even though you may be long past terrorising neighbourhoods.Many people consider running functional training: a type of exercise regimen that helps the body c ope with everyday activities.You can start your daily run by jogging in place, ultimately suiting up and running outdoors.Kinesiology experts recommend running barefooted, in order to avoid improper spinal alignment caused by worn out footwear.Besides, running barefoot permits faster development of thigh and leg muscles.However, concrete and asphalt are not conducive to barefoot running â€" among other reasons: because of the risk of impact injuries.Should you want to train barefoot, we recommend a running on a treadmill.You can find such gym equipment at any sports facility or health club. You may even find one for sale at a low price in your local adverts!As a beginner athlete, a maximum of twenty minutes' running is sufficient to start. As your stamina grows, you can extend your run time, but you should shorten  your stride, in order to continuously stimulate leg musculature.Find fitness classes near me on Superprof.Running is a great way to condition your body Source: Pixabay Cr edit: Hans  Be a ChairWith your back firmly pressed against the wall, walk your feet out until your knees form a ninety degree angle.This pose is a test of muscular endurance. Professional athletes can manage it for up to fifteen minutes!If you are just developing your personal training program,  our fitness management professionals recommend you hold the position for only ten seconds at first, and then release and repeat.As your muscles get stronger and more conditioned, you can gradually extend the time you maintain the hold.The Classic SquatYou have been practising this basic fitness move every time you sit down.Now that you've got your trainers on, with your eye on fitness goals, you will be squatting without a chair to catch you.And, unlike the move above, you will not have a wall to give you perfect form or posture.Good posture and form are essential to effective squats.Bending too far forward at the waist, working your knees instead of your quads, and squatting too deeply all negate the strengths of this exercise.Follow these instructions for proper squats:On the inhale, lower your center of gravity â€" your pelvis. Your back should remain straight, head up and torso slightly bent forward. Your feet should remain flat on the floor, at shoulder width.The goal is to get your thighs as close to parallel to the floor as you can.Hold for a second, and then exhale while returning to upright position.Remember to keep your abdominals flexed at all times, but especially while breathing out, to force all of the air from your lungs.If you are just starting with personal fitness training, ten squats should be sufficient to get your quads pumping.If you are more advanced in your personal training sessions, you may find it more rewarding to break up your squats reps, exercising other muscle groups and returning to work your thighs again and again.The gold standard of this exercise is one-legged squats, where you alternate squatting one one, and then the other leg.Squ ats with WeightsAnother way to intensify this move is to curl weights while squatting.Hold a dumbbell in each hand, and curl your forearms when on the downward trajectory. Release the curl when you stand up.The ultimate squats workout involves holding a weighted barbell at shoulder height.Fitness business professionals aver that the amount of weight depends on your level of fitness and ability.Here we caution you to not reach for that brass ring too quickly.Plenty of fitness hopefuls have strained their muscles by working them too hard, or taking on weights too quickly.Overworking yourself leads to setbacks in your overall fitness training program. At worst, you could permanently injure yourself.It would be best to call on a fitness specialist to conduct a physical assessment before taking your training to the next level.Your personal fitness trainer should declare when you are fit to squat with weights Source: Pixabay Credit: DidkogWorking Your Thighs in a Fitness Center or the Gym Here we are, at the nexus of strength and conditioning: for working and defining thigh muscles, there is no place better than a gym or health club.Well, maybe my home is better, provided I have the necessary equipment and can find  personal trainers near me to lead my exercise program.With an exercise physiologist leading my personal training sessions, I will be forever shot of weak, shaky  legs!If you've been wondering just how to work your way into your optimal body, an individualized personal training course is your answer.Health clubs have all of the needed machines to work your thighs safely and effectively.A thigh press machine with adjustable weight is a sterling example of musculoskeletal development machinery.What is that?It consists of forty-five degree angle seat with a facing plate that you press your feet against.That plate's resistance is regulated by weights. You should set your desired tension before trying any leg extensions.Your one-on-one fitness instructor will n ot only advise you on how much weight to push, s/he will probably set the machine to the correct weight for you.You could do this type of resistance training at home, too. Simply attach resistance bands to any unmovable object and you're ready to get fit!If there are no resistance machines currently available in the gym, you could use resistance bands there, too. Let your coach instruct you on how to use them most effectively.Some people at the outset of their physical fitness training enjoy aerobics routines, and here we highlight another quads move you can do to music: the aerobic step.Using a step block with adjustable height, set it to thirty centimeters - so that climbing onto it will be a bit of an effort.You can step up and off of this block, alternating legs, with or without dumbbells.If you are taking part in group training, your instructor will propose using weights, and how much weight to use.Whether you want to lose weight, increase your metabolic rate or simply want to prolong the rewards of your fitness programs, working out is a great way to maintain your health.To engage in your fitness career, you must first be aware of your  body composition and take part in training programs, to get yourself into the best possible shape.The knowledge of how your body's systems â€" cardiovascular, cardiorespiratory and muscular all work together to guide you to fitness and wellness.Courage is a muscle that must be flexed from time to time, lest it lose its power. - Anne DandurandYou can engage a fitness trainer to motivate you, or you could get passionate about fitness and nutrition on your own.You can look into fitness program design, consult with a gym instructor and brush up on physical education to determine what your exercise activities could be.Or...You can log on to Superprof to find the training specialist that will help you achieve your goals for personal fitness.Get an online personal trainer here.

5 Guitar Tips for Accompanying a Vocalist

5 Guitar Tips for Accompanying a Vocalist Sign up successful I’m an up-and-coming guitarist who’s auditioned for the local jazz quartet. They call me in to play along with the other members in a live setting and I’m given a lead sheet with chords. I read over the sheet and look for tempo markings, key changes, and form. Once I’ve done that and begin playing I remember my place in the ensemble. This is paramount to being a great sideman. You are providing a rhythm and chord structure to a song. It’s imperative to do so without blaring out your part and playing too loudly for the melody to be heard. Finding the pocket, or the main beat of the groove, will allow the soloists greater freedom and give the group a tight, focused sound. My next step as a sideman comes when I visit an open mic and there’s a vocalist who doesn’t have someone to play her song. I know the tune and volunteer to play for her. As I start into the song I am deliberate with my rhythm changes and tempo of the tune. While I’m backing her up I remember to play quieter than the vocals. That means my chords and picking shouldn’t overshadow the vocals. This may mean turning your electric down or strumming lighter on an acoustic guitar. Your job as a sideman is to complement the vocals by providing steady rhythm and musical dynamics with your playing that reflect what the singer is crooning. I remember watching others back up voice majors in college and sometimes the singers were timid and afraid to sing out. It didn’t help when they had a guitarist beside them playing louder than them with their head buried in the chart, oblivious to the singer’s plight. That leads to the next point  know the form of the tune. Be prepared to play the intro and make notes of what lyrics come in when you are playing the different sections of the song. The vocal cues will help you provide the best back up for the song and ensure you don’t get lost along the way. Remember that singers are human, too, and knowing the form of the song is helpful should they forget a verse or jump to a chorus earlier than you anticipate. You’ll be able to get to that part quicker with a chart and the knowledge of the song’s form. That brings me to the most important tip  listen to the singer! I know it seems obvious, but you’d be surprised how many times I’ve seen groups where the singer is laying into a vocal and the guitarist is chugging away on loud chords or playing a screaming solo over the vocals. By not working together with the vocalist you can ruin their instrument, their voice, by making them sing harder than necessary to compensate for your overly loud amp and playing style. This is not something you want to be known for, so remember:  if you can’t hear the vocals, you’re too loud. The last key is to be prepared for anything. Bring a capo along. Sometimes a key won’t work for a singer and capoing up will allow them to sing their song without you relearning the chords. Sometimes words are forgotten and they sing the song differently than you’ve learned. They may come in too early or too late on a phrase. Your part in all of this is to be flexible and make them sound great regardless of what happens along the way. By putting the singer/band first, the song ends up being the main attraction and with any luck you’ll earn the respect of the singer, other musicians, and the crowd. When you play your part and listen to the other parts around you, the music sounds best. So rock on, it’s time to shine but remember the guitar tips stated above: Know your place in the ensemble If you can’t hear the vocals you’re too loud Know the form of the tune Listen to the singer Be prepared Be flexible and make those around you sound great Applying these common sense guitar tips to your sideman work will afford you more chances to accompany singers and other instrumentalists. Get out to your local open mic or audition for a band. Respond to the Craigslist ad from a vocalist looking for someone to back them up. These opportunities will help you develop the skill set to be a great sideman and ultimately a better musician. Christopher teaches mandolin, violin, music performance, and guitar lessons in Mount Pleasant, SC, as well as online via Skype and Google Helpouts. He has over ten years of experience in teaching in classrooms and studios, and his  lessons focus on providing the budding musician with the tools to become a proficient player.  Learn more about Christopher here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Damien Mathieu

Find An Online Hindi Teacher

Find An Online Hindi Teacher Learn Hindi With The Help Of An Online Hindi Tutor ChaptersLearning Hindi OnlineHindi Lessons OnlineLearn Hindi Online FreeLearn Hindi Online For A Small FeeA Quick Note For Those Seeking Hindi Teaching JobsSo, you may have tried to pick up some Hindi words and phrases online, with the use of apps or even by listening to podcasts, but perhaps these haven't worked for you. Every learner works differently and gains knowledge at a different pace so, particularly if you're in a hurry to learn a new language, then you may need to turn to lessons with a real-life instructor.When we say 'real-life', we mean human as opposed to digital!However, you can still get help from a human personal tutor online, without the need to actually travel to a class. Online learning is one of the most convenient and cheapest options for many students these days, saving precious time and money and meaning that second language lessons can be conducted to fit your lifestyle.Online learning is a convenient way of acquiring a new skill around your busy life. Photo on GiusyHindi Teacher 5.00 (3) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AnchalHindi Teacher 5.00 (4) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NehaHindi Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AkshayaHindi Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SuhaniHindi Teacher 5.00 (4) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MedhaHindi Teacher 5.00 (2) £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PriyankaHindi Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SaurabhHindi Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsLearning Hindi OnlineLearning Hindi online is, in fact, easier than trying to learn Hindi at school in the UK - simply because few educational establishments offer Indian languages as a subject.For example, your average public school will offer subjects on the UK curriculum like English, French, Spanish, and German.With the wide reach of the Internet, however, we have access to a range of courses a nd tutors originating from all over the world.Your options for language learning online are to sign up to an online study programme, use online learning materials to educate yourself, or find a private tutor who can motivate and guide you on your language learning journey.So, where do you start when looking for Hindi lessons? How do you syphon out those free courses from the paid ones? Below we will take a look at online study options, and help you to identify the best path for you.Take a look at our Hindi learning apps guide.Hindi Lessons OnlineIf you are looking for a course that you can dip in and out of online, then there is no use in going to your local library or college as they will most probably only be advertising courses that take place in your region. Also, think how much more scope you'll have to find an array of courses if you don't restrict yourself to courses in your village or town!For you digital learners, the best place to start, as usual, is by searching the Inter net for suitable lessons.Firstly, use your search bar to look for online courses, tutors offering online services and more, and once you have a feel for what is out there, then we suggest you sit back and think hard about what it is you want to gain from the experience.You might like to search for keywords like 'teaching excellence', 'Hindi candidate', 'Hindi for secondary school', 'become bilingual in Hindi', 'diploma in Hindi', 'language pupil', or Hindi grammar and vocabulary workshops'.The best place to start your search is by browsing the Internet! Photo on VisualHuntAt this point, you should be able to reconsider your reasons for learning Hindi, how quickly you wish to master the language, what sort of timetable you can commit to, how much you can afford to pay, and whether you want one to one tuition (whether by video call or email) or if you are happy to follow a virtual set up and solve problems on your own as you go. GiusyHindi Teacher 5.00 (3) £20/h1st lesson free!Disco ver all our tutors AnchalHindi Teacher 5.00 (4) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NehaHindi Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AkshayaHindi Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SuhaniHindi Teacher 5.00 (4) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MedhaHindi Teacher 5.00 (2) £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PriyankaHindi Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SaurabhHindi Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsLearn Hindi Online FreeWith some resources like DuoLingo, Rocket Languages, Babbel and HindiPod101, you can benefit from some free lessons, with the opportunity to pay for a subscription if you wish to advance further.There is no better option, as each tool is different to the other and may have features that appeal to some more than others.HindiPod101 is a podcast-style website which additionally offers you the opportunity to work with and talk to a dedicated online tuto r, which could be hugely advantageous to those who respond well to a bit of one-to-one tuition.All of the above, however, are general language courses which don't necessarily take into consideration your unique circumstances, preferred learning methods or prior knowledge.Tailored Online Hindi Lessons Don't Come FreeWhile you can find resources like the above, along with free international blogs offering you mini-tutorials, no teacher is going to be able to offer their full teaching services without some remuneration. Therefore, unless you are lucky enough to know someone who speaks Hindi fluently and is willing to tutor you for no charge at all, or you are able to learn a language swiftly by simply chatting online to a person who has Hindi as their mother tongue, then you will need to accept the fact that you must pay for language lessons.Learn Hindi Online For A Small FeeVerbal PlanetVerbal Planet is a website and flexible learning tool which helps new starters to grasp the Hindi l anguage.Like many online resources, this website allows you to learn around your own schedule, offering you a variety of lessons to pick and choose from to fit your lifestyle. No more rushing around to get to class on time!You don't have to commit to a whole programme of study all at once either, you can choose to pay for a single class or book an entire course depending on your preference, financial situation, and your goals.The success of this website is most of all down to its native, experienced Hindi teachers who can offer lively, fun and interesting conversations in their mother tongue language.  The interactive lessons make it so that you are never left wondering if a pronunciation or meaning is right!Finally, the language learning tool allows you  to customise your learning experience by creating tailor-made lessons to match your goals and individual priorities.SuperprofOne of the best ways to find an experienced Hindi tutor is to consult Superprof, a leading platform for tu tors and students to connect and form working partnerships. With the use of Superprof's user-friendly website, you can instantly locate tutors offering Hindi language services in your area, as well as those who are able to offer online tuition.A private tutor may be willing to hold group lessons or can provide webinars for varying numbers of pupils. Photo credit: cambodia4kidsorg on Visual huntFurthermore, you can filter your search to show only native speakers, if you so wish, and can choose which level of education you require (i.e. primary school, college, adult education etc...) or simply which level you believe you are working at (beginner, intermediate or advanced).The average rate per hour for a Hindi tutor is £11, but prices range from around £5 per lesson to £30 per hour.Be sure to read about your prospective tutor and take advantage of the one free lesson policy so that you can get a feel for their teaching methods and work out if you think you will get along in a profe ssional student-teacher manner. Remember, the cost does not always reflect the person's experience and qualifications (the cheapest tutors are not necessarily the least successful at teaching learners and the pricier ones are not always the top teachers) but, that said, you do get what you pay for so don't be reluctant to pay for a good tutor and then complain that you haven't learned what you had wanted to!Just like when you seek quotes for work being done in your house, it is a good idea to pick around three tutors who you are drawn to and give each of them a chance to become your tutor. Be up front and tell them that you are unsure of your decision so that this gives them the opportunity to tell you why you should pick them and how they may be able to help you. It may be that they have a trait or have experienced something that really speaks to you.It is important to have a good relationship with your tutor so that you look forward to your lessons with positivity instead of dread ing each time you come into contact.If you choose a tutor who does not live nearby, the chances are that they will set you work by sending you documents, and will also schedule some face to face catch ups via Skype or  video call to ensure that you benefit from speaking and listening exercises as well as reading and writing work and quizzes.Take a look at our complete Hindi language learning website  guide.A Quick Note For Those Seeking Hindi Teaching JobsWith very few opportunities to become an  elementary school teacher in England with Hindi as your top discipline, many professionals wishing to teach Hindi will often have to turn to online teaching. That said, there is no harm in looking at vacancies for teaching jobs specialising  in part-time student teaching of uncommon languages.Alternatively, you may wish to consider a teaching career as an ESL teacher, enabling you to mix your love for Hindi with English and be an English teacher to native Hindi speakers.However, if Hindi is the only subject you wish to teach, then you might like to consider teaching abroad. While staffing for the Hindi language is sought after in many countries other than India itself, places like Australia may soon be on the lookout for more accredited and passionate Hindi language teachers in the future.Keep an eye out for openings at an  international school to see what opportunities lie ahead of you.Finally, if teaching abroad isn't something that particularly appeals to you and you would prefer to stay put in England where you can speak English and a bit of Hindi here and there, then you may wish to set up your own tutoring service or sign up for teaching jobs on online platforms like Superprof and other sites for teachers.In the meantime, you could look at vacancies for substitute teachers or even return to educate yourself to gain another diploma in a different area of further education.As a teacher, the Internet can be equally useful for you too! For more information on contin uing your teaching career in Hindi, why not try searching keywords such as 'become a teacher of Hindi', 'staffing', 'hiring teaching assistant', 'language academies', 'looking for jobs as a qualified teacher', 'teacher certification', 'education jobs', 'job fair', and 'seeking professional development'.

5 Ways to Make Your College Decision Easier

5 Ways to Make Your College Decision Easier So you got into a few (or all!) of the colleges to which you applied. Congratulations! Now comes the tough part: which one to choose? It can be a daunting decision. Every prospective college student has a different vision and different desires for his or her college experience. Knowing what you want and need in a college campus can be vital in making your college decision easier. Read on to find some factors you need to consider before choosing your school. 1. Compare the programs in which you are interested Look at your prospective major, or a few of the majors that you are interested in, by checking your various schools online catalogues. Does your intended major offer a variety of classes that you will be interested in? Are there certain tracks within your major that you know you will be passionate about? You can also look at the rankings of a specific program or major within your potential schools to see how they stack up. 2. Speak with current students (or read student blogs!) Many colleges can connect you with current students so you can get an authentic perspective of what the school is like. Consider talking with current students to get your burning questions answered, whether they are about academics or campus life. If youre unable to meet with current students, student blogs are a great place to get a close view on campus life as well. [RELATED: Benefits of Overnight College Visits] 3. Research the location of the colleges Although a majority of your time will be spent on campus, its important to get a grasp of the city in which your school will be located. Aside from checking that your schools locations have all the basic things you want and need, youll also want a location where you can eventually find internships or volunteer opportunities in your field of study. Ask yourself if you can see yourself living in said cities for four (or even more) years. 4. Research the size and geographic diversity of the school Think about what experience you want to get in college. Do you want to know everyone on campus, or do you want to go to a big school where you may meet someone new every day? Also think about the other students who will be there. Do you want to be in classes with students from the same state, or even the same high school as you? Or would you rather be in classes with students from across the country, or even across the world? These comparisons can help narrow down your college choices. 5. Consider the costs The obvious expense to consider here is the cost of tuition. Did you get a scholarship to one school and not the other? Is one school much more expensive than the other, requiring you to take out more student loans? Consider how much you are willing to pay for your college experience. Aside from tuition, look at the prices of living options around and on campus. Most likely, you will only live in the dorm for a year or two, and then migrate to a house or an apartment. While price alone shouldnt make or break your college decision, its a reality that many students will need to factor in. Making the college decision is a huge deal, as it is where you will be for the next several years. Dont let the decision stress you out, however. No matter what school you choose, your college experience is uniquely yours and you can be successful at any school if you put your mind to it.